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Advertise with us

Be seen
by home buyers, sellers and tenants in 3 ways

Website AD

Agent Profile AD

Directory AD

AD platform:

AD can be placed on any 5 types of property. Each property type has a keyword, and each keyword supports specific number of ADs.
Property Types Keyword Website Agent Profile Directory
HDB postal code 1 AD 1 AD unlimited AD
Executive Condominium property name 1 AD 1 AD unlimited AD
Apartment / Condominium property name 1 AD 1 AD unlimited AD
Landed (Strata) property name 1 AD 1 AD unlimited AD
Landed (Land) street name 1 AD 1 AD unlimited AD

Flat-rate pricing:

Each AD costs S$10 per calendar month.


Cost control

• As little as S$10 to top-up your eWallet and get started advertising. There are no monthly minimums, no long-term commitments, and no hidden fees.

Note: Payments can only be made by PayNow or Bank Transfer. We do not accept credit and debit cards.

Impressions / Clickthroughs

• No limit applies; you enjoy unlimited impressions and clickthroughs on the Website, Agent Profile and Directory ADs.

Measure your success

Impressions and clickthroughs are tracked in real-time for every ADs. You can use clickthrough rate (CTR) to gauge the effectiveness of your ads.
• A CTR is the number of clickthroughs your ad receives divided by the number of times it is displayed. Hence, CTR = clickthroughs ÷ impressions.
For example, if you receive 65 clickthroughs and 1000 impressions, your CTR is 6.5%.

Target audience

• Target potential customers based on the types of property, areas, and districts they live in.

Manage your AD

• AD can be placed at any time as long as your eWallet has sufficient funds, and you decide how many months they will run.
• Website, Agent Profile and Directory ADs can run for 1 to 12 months.
• You can also edit, delete or renew any AD.

AD distribution

• You get the best value for your money. Your ADs are not only displayed on target properties, but also on properties with empty AD spaces.
• We push your ADs to the largest number of users, increasing impressions and clickthroughs.

Why advertise with us?

• If you want to reach home buyers, sellers and tenants.
• Providing organized and up-to-date information makes our users return regularly.
• Monthly traffic averages 268,351 (May 2024) unique users, of whom 85% are Singapore and 15% are other countries.
• A steady traffic flow where thousands get email alerts about resale and rental properties each month.
• Keeping the operating costs low allows us to offer AD flat-rate pricing to you at an affordable price.

Reality checks:

• The performance of AD impressions and clickthroughs can fluctuate from month to month due to fluctuations in usership.
• We do not guarantee your success, only increase its probability.
• We do not guarantee that AD visibility will result in sales, but can increase sales opportunities.


Monday to Sunday including public holiday: 9am to 6pm SGT.
• Signed-in advertiser can view our contact number on the eWallet page.


Advertiser Account

Website AD

Agent Profile AD

*sign-in to view more FAQs.


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